We’re all aware of and well versed on Millennials. They’re one of the most widely talked about and researched generations. They are also on track to become the most educated …
How Virtual Reality could transform Higher Education
Once strictly in the realms of science fiction, virtual reality (VR) is teetering on the edge of becoming mainstream. While it’s often associated with more pleasure-seeking pursuits, such as gaming, …
What do universities gain from creating autonomous business schools?
We take a look at the history and role of university business schools and ask John Board, the Dean of Henley Business School and Mark Taylor, Dean of Warwick Business School …
Red Brick Talks: Gojimo
http://gojimo.co/ – @GojimoApp – @burgesg In November 2009, George Burgess founder of Gojimo launched his first app GeoRev. The app was developed while George was at school and was based on the GCSE geography …
Welcome to the Age of Digital Education
MOOC’s – Massive Open Online Courses have grown in popularity in recent years. The digital form of teaching utilises technology, discussion boards and peer learning to provide short and usually …